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제목 [ NO. 215 Opinion ] Benefits of marriage
< Benefits of marriage >

When I was a college student, almost all of my friends viewed marriage as something inevitable. I thought it would also be one of the proper directions in my life. However, younger generations today strongly tend to consider marriage to be optional. They are becoming less and less likely to marry. With this background in mind, I would like to deliver my message, which is that there are many advantages to tying the knot. Unfortunately, nobody ever explained to me the benefits of marriage. In this essay, therefore, I am happy to inform Cheongju University students of some of the surprising benefits of being married. I particularly want to highlight that marriage is not a burden but can be a precious gift.

Let’s first think about the economic benefits of marriage. From this point of view, marriage can be compared to sharing the taxi fare, when two friends take the same taxi. Couples can actually enjoy various financial benefits from their marriage. Basic living costs per person, such as housing and food, can be reduced by almost half. Utility fees, such as TV, air conditioning, and heating, can be shared with your spouse. Marriage also offers many legal benefits. Married couples are eligible for an earned income deduction on their tax bills, and the national health insurance service provides automatic health coverage to an eligible family member.

Furthermore, marriage offers a big chance for each spouse to benefit from the strengths of the other spouse. That is, we are able to improve ourselves through marriage. Here is an example from my personal experience, showing how my wife compensated for a weakness of mine. All my life, I had no eye for fashion. I thought it unimportant. Putting on clean clothes every morning was sufficient. After meeting my wife, however, my sense of fashion rose suddenly to that of my wife. When we went shopping for clothes, she served as my personal fashion coordinator. I just wore whatever she chose for me, without reservation. People around me started giving me compliments. “Your clothes really fit you,” they would say. Because I had never heard this kind of compliment before, I firmly believe that marriage has played an important role in reshaping my view of how to dress, which is just one example among many.

The most important point that I can make is that marriage offers us the best opportunity to find our best friends for our entire life. A spouse can become a life-long friend, and our children too. In particular, bringing up children who are the apples of one’s eye can’t be compared to anything else in this world. Against all the difficulties of life, we can be greatly encouraged and supported by our family. Considering the fact that a family can be legally established through marriage, marriage is worth something in our lives.

In this essay, I’ve mentioned three benefits of being married. I do hope that Cheonju University students will not view marriage as something to be avoided, or ignored. Instead, I hope that in time they will realize that marriage offers many personal, financial, and even emotional benefits.

Professor Yong-cheol Lee
작성자 이민주 (청대언론사)

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