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제목 [No. 220 Campus Story] Cheong-Ju University is going to develop the cosmetic industry in North Chung-Cheong Provine
카테고리 CampusStory

Cheong-Ju University is going to develop the cosmetic industry in North Chung-Cheong Provine 

Cheongdae Times Division of Culture Affairs, senior reporter Yoon-Ji Bae


http://www.cju.ac.kr/www/selectBbsNttView.dobbsNo=870&nttNo=111799&&pageUnit=10&key=4423&pageIndex=1(Cheong-Ju university Homepage)


On August 23, our university announced that our university signed a business agreement with the Chung-buk Cosmetics Co-Brand Committee and Cheongwoo (association of companies in our university) to improve the value of "CHAVI" (joint brand of cosmetics in North Chungcheong Province) and promote the North Chung-Cheoung province. Through this agreement the three institutions agreed to cooperate on the following agenda.


First, Improving and activating the value of 'CHAVI'. Second, finding a business model to foster cosmetics companies. Third, exporting support such as overseas marketing. The three places plan to support the expansion of exports of “CHAVI” cosmetics and fostering excellent industrial talent.


"This agreement will help improve competitiveness of the regional and national cosmetic industry" and " We hope that the agreement will help attract K-beauty Cluster that North Chung-Cheong Province is working on" said Hong Yang-Hee, the chairman of the committee. 


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