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제목 [No. 218 Campus Story] Professor Yeol-Hoon Sung won the presidential award.
카테고리 CampusStory

Professor Yeol-Hoon Sung won the presidential award.

Cheongdae Times Division of Culture Affairs senior reporter Yoon-Ji Bae

Professor Yeol-Hoon Sung, head of the Radiology Department at College of Health Science from the Cheong-Ju University, won the Presidential Award for his contribution to the development of the national industry on the Science and Information Communication Technology Day.


He developed CT phantom and ultrasound bone mineral density phantom by applying 3D printing technology to radiation quality control field. Therefore, he has advanced the weak domestic medical radiation quality control technology. Also, he published 17 intellectual properties right and 14 related papers.


He introduced 'radiation educational technology' for the first time, which combines 3D printing technology and radiation education. Through this, student's creative skills were improved by winning capstone design and creative competitions programs.


During Professor Sung's 2019 training in the U.S, he introduced this education to student in the U.S Department of Radiology. He also gave many lectures at 3D printed exhibitions and hospitals, conferences, and university. As a result, it has expanded the base of the use of 3D printing in the medical field.



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