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제목 [No. 218 Editor Note] sin prisa pero sin pausa
카테고리 EditorNote

Cheongdae Times editor-in-chief Gyeong-Im Bok


sin prisa pero sin pausa Spanish Proverb


April also passed in a twinkling. I applaud the students who worked hard. I hope every student will get good results. Everyone will be very tired to the continuing tests and assignments. I also had a busy life. I am tired, but I feel good with the satisfaction that I have done well until today.


Why do we live hard? I think the reason is a sense of accomplishment. People choose suffering on their own for a sense of accomplishment. They know it is a tough road., but they are constantly moving for the treasure they will get at the end.


There is no one who is not tired in the world. Even a baby has difficulties. Depending on how people pass this difficult road, people can be progressive and regressive. So, you must keep your sanity while you walk the tough road.


You may think this sentence is too harsh. You may be too tired to think about the future. In that case, you can rest for a while, but like the Spanish proverb, do not stop.

If you do not stop, you will see the end one day. The result of suffering will be even more valuable. Keep working hard and you can achieve your goals.



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