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제목 [No. 213 Article of Culture] Les Miserables notice to be released in 2020
카테고리 ArticleOfCulture

< What is Les Miserables? >


Les Miserables is a novel by French novelist Victor Hugo, set in France in the 19th century. The title means " poor and miserable people '' in French. Les Miserables Chapter 1, "Pantine," was first published in Brussels, Belgium on March 30, 1862, and first in Paris on April 3, four days later.

Chapter 2, "Cosette" and Chapter 3, "Marius," were published simultaneously in Brussels and Paris on May 15 of the same year. Was also published simultaneously in Brussels and Paris on June 30 of the same year.

If you look at the original Les Miserables, you are not dealing with the story of Jang Baljang from Chapter 1. In the first edition of Les Miserables, the image, conduct, and thoughts of Bishop Miriel, which are described only as bishops who are kind to Jang Baljang, are described in more than 100 pages.

The protagonist, Jang Baljang, will appear in Chapter 2. Moreover, Jang Baljang's name was added to the last book, Chapter 5, not Chapter 1.

Of course, although the story of Jang Baljang is the main content of Les Miserables, he devotes a few pages to explaining the detailed history and environment of almost all other characters.

A prisoner who has been stigmatized to feed and survive a family living around the 1830s, an abused child, a craftsman who has been desperately fallen to the bottom of society, a young man plagued by his family for being a supporter of Napoleon, a family confused by fraudulent parents, trying to change the world The story features the stories of many 'poor people' in France, including young people and police who have been obsessed with punitiveism but have yielded to a defective society.

In addition, if the part that the writer wants to explain while proceeding with the plot, the story is repeated.

Even these parts are completely unnecessary for the progress of the novel. For example, this monastery reads the original work as the story is often some people made frustrating because there are 100 pages of unnecessary content such as what this monastery looked like and what it looked like in the past.

Even Rangsong is said to be this work, "This novel is a world and a chaos." However, for this reason, Les Miserables not only possesses literary values, but also has historical values to understand the times and lifestyles of the time.

I think since the writer worked as a reporter and wrote poetry, the original work is thought to be the reason that a lyrical story could emerge from the criticism of the social system. So this is the reason why Les Miserables is considered a masterpiece.


< Comparison of Les Miserables and the original Les Miserables released in 2012 and the reason for the movie's popularity >


The main difference is that the Les Miserables, which was released in 2012, eliminates the boredom of readers and viewers by portraying unnecessary settings as scenes with cinematic features, unlike the original Les Miserables.

This difference has been one of the most important factors in the success of the Les Miserables, which was released in 2012.

By including all the details in the scene that are so boring that the original description is boring, it vividly conveys the era of the original Les Miserables written to modern viewers, and transforms the lines into a song (musical) format, not only visualizing many audiences who visited the movie theater. The main difference from the original is that it was aurally stimulating.

It is ironic that the boring details of the original were rather helpful in the process of making a movie.

In addition, despite the boredom of the original work, it is considered to be a movie that was forced to entertain with a lot of audience expectations before its release, as it was regarded as a masterpiece of the world because of its many historical and literary values.


< Les Miserables notice to be released in 2020 >


The film Les Miserables, which is scheduled to be released on March 26, 2020, is a film with a precedent that has been sold for 16 consecutive years from the past.

In addition, since the 2020 Les Miserables will be screened with a more musical focus than the movie Les Miserables that was released in 2012, there is a question whether it will be able to capture both visual and auditory effects like the previous 2012 Les Miserables.

However, with the emphasis on musicals, it is thought that the auditory effect will reach audiences much larger than the Les Miserables released in 2012.


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