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제목 [No.230 Campus Story] CJ University’s Workshop for Writing a Business Plan Was Very Successful
카테고리 CampusStory
CJ University’s Workshop for Writing a Business Plan Was Very Successful


The Cheongdae Times Cub reporter Ji-Hyeong Kim





A photo of students who participated in the workshop


Cheongju University Start-up Education Support Center informed us that CJ University held a “2023 Workshop for writing a business plan.”


The Ministry of Education supported this workshop as part of the University Innovation Support Project. Its goal was to give shape to items that Start-up Clubs planned and to write advanced business plans.


The workshop was composed of the Understanding of Youth Start-up Support Project, Utilization strategy, and education for it. Also, the team mentoring program involved an Introduction to CJU’s competitive exhibition. This is a government-supported project, “How to write a good business plan”


In this workshop, Start-up items were discovered and restructured by matching a mentor-mentee. This played a real mentoring and was useful for writing a business plan. As a result, 18 enrolled teams participated in the workshop, and 15 teams completed writing a business plan.


Kyo-geun Kim Who is the head of the Cheongju University Start-up Education Support Center said, “CJU will run various start-up programs to revitalize the System of start-ups and educate creatively and practically.”


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